What makes JGS so great is the members. Our members bring several hundred years of genealogical research to the group. Many are active in teaching about genealogy and preserving records for current and future generations. Check out our featured member.
Featured Member, Cheryl Curole

Cheryl Curole (left) accepting the 2017 Clifton Ryan Presidents's Award from current JGS President, Michele Lehmann (right).
We would like to introduce you to our second featured member, Mrs. Cheryl Loup Curole! Mrs. Curole retired from St. Catherine of Siena School after 27 years of teaching and is the recipent of the 2017 Clifton Ryan President's Award.
20 years ago, Cheryl's cousin posed the question of where exactly in Ireland their family originated from. So she went to the library to look up vital records and she was hooked. Five years later, Cheryl joined JGS, continuously contributing her time to JGS and other genealogy functions. Cheryl's work includes volunteering for Founder's Day, presenting programs at JGS hosted workshops and also participating in numerous other Genealogy Fairs. Cheryl chaired on the Newsletter committee and the Bylaws committee. She initiated the JGS Pamphlet and was instrumental in the suscessful updating of our bylaws to include the daunting task of working with the IRS, making certain all information was correct and synced.
Some surnames Mrs. Curole is researching now are Orr, Loup, Fiegel, Wehrung, Kerrigan, Landry, Duffel, Reichert, and Dennies. Genealogy is important to Cheryl because it helps her learn about her ancestors, the times they lived in, their life stories and to see the common threads that bind her to her family. One of her greatest genealogy achievements was connecting the dots to living relatives in Ireland and actually being able to meet them in person! Cheryl's best tip for beginners: "Stay with it! And don't be aftaid to ask for help."
JGS is proud to honor Mrs. Cheryl Loup Curole as this website's second featured member. Thank you for all of your contibutions within our organization and out in the genealogy world!